FAQs —


What can I expect immediately after a peel?

This will depend on the type of peel used, the condition of the skin, medication taken and general health and well-being. Certain medications and health issues may be a contra- indication to a chemical peel as they can increase adverse side effects. You will still be able to carry out your normal daily routine however some modifications may need to be implemented for the first few weeks immediately after your treatment.  Anything from pinkness, inflammation, mild to moderate peeling is common for 1 – 5 days post peel. The stronger the peel, the more intense the pinkness and peeling. Your therapist will advise you on what you can and should expect post treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

We usually recommend a skincare consultation or our Meet & Greet service prior to starting your skin journey with us. It allows us to determine the most suitable type of peel and the recommended frequency of treatment. This can range anywhere from fortnightly to every 6-8 weeks.

Do I need to use special products at home?

For some of our offered treatments, it is essential to thoroughly prepare the skin at home by utilising prescriptive skincare products. One of our therapists will be able to analyse your skin and recommend home care products for you to maximise and accelerate your skincare results whilst minimising any adverse reactions pre and post treatment.

How do I know which peel is best for me?

There are a variety of different treatments available, some more intense than others. The choice of treatment is dependent on the specific skin concern and quality of the skin. One of our qualified Paramedial Therapists will advise you which treatment is the most appropriate for you.

Does skin needling hurt?

You may experience some discomfort whilst undertaking this treatment however it is quite bearable for most clients. We prefer not to use topical anaesthetic on most of our needling treatments as we have found it can interfere with the skin response. However,  if you are having deeper needling done, your therapist will advise you on if utilising a topical anaesthetic will be necessary. 

You always have the option of utilising topical anaesthetic. Your therapist will advise you on the benefits and risks of this. 

If you are concerned or would like more information, your therapist can and will discuss these in depth with you.